Bounce Rate

What are Bounce Rates

Bounce Rates track the percentage of visits that don’t go beyond one initial session, when the visitor leaves before clicking on any other sections of the website.

Why do Bounce Rates matter

Bounce rates are typically used to track and measure a website's overall engagement. However, keep in mind that it is difficult to benchmark a typical bounce rate or define what a "good" bounce rate is.

For example, if visitors land on an informative white paper landing page that they found through organic search, chances are the bounce rate of that page will be very high. It doesn't mean your page content is bad - it could just mean that the visitors found what they were looking for and didn't feel the need to search your website any longer.

Typically, bounce rates help improve an online store's UX/UI and with informing design teams where they can make adjustments in terms of usability to increase engagement. Some of the typical measures to improve bounce rates might involve a new content strategy, improving CTAs on the page or simple design actions like changing fonts and adding more graphics for a more entertaining page.